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Overall, did this year’s convention match your expectations?

How was the overall organization of the event?

In your opinion, the convention’s registration process was:

Were the topics and presentations timely and useful?

How appropriate were the venue and facilities?

Are there ways which you think could have been improved?

Please recommend topics which you want to be included in the next PHILSAN Convention:

How was the quality of the food served during the event?

For next years’ convention what topics would you suggest:

For next years’ convention what topics would you suggest:

1. Overall, did this year’s convention match your expectations?

1. Overall, did this year’s convention match your expectations?

1. Overall, did this year’s convention match your expectations?

1. Overall, did this year’s convention match your expectations?

1. Overall, did this year’s convention match your expectations?

Answer all the questions.

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PHILSAN Convention Survey

Important Note: Before you proceed to the quiz, please take a moment to complete the event survey. Your feedback is valuable to us! 
If you have already completed the survey, please enter your email, first name, and last name below to continue to the quiz.

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